Monday 22 March 2010

Studio Equipment, it's functions and operation.

For any TV show, equipment is an essential part, without it there is no show. These are the types of equipment you would see being used on many different sorts of TV Shows e.g QI, The One Show etc.

Cool Lights (Florescent tubes) and Tungstun Lights (Spot Lights)
- These light up the studio, and any backgrounds, they also light the talent who will be seen on screen, any lights can be added too or removed from the lighting grid, which is the place where all the lights connect too, the wires from each of the lights are carried across the lighting grid and then connect too a dimmer pack.

- Microphones are needed because without them there would be no way of hearing the people that are featured in the TV show you were filming, for example if you were filming a quiz show, you would need them for the host and the contestants so they were able to be heard, otherwise the whole show wouldn't actually go very far, most TV shows use clip-on omni-directional(picks up sound from all around) as they are easier and gives the person more ability to move around and use there hands where as a standard microphone may prove difficult to use. As well as omni-directional microphones for the host and anyone else, a directional microphone is also usually used to pick up audience reactions e.g clapping, cheering etc.

- In any production, the amount of cameras used will vary, for example, the TV Show 'Have I got news for you' uses six different cameras, for our live TV show however, we will only be using four different cameras; two which will be the "pole cameras" - meaning they are have the ability to move around and get different shots, as well as this there will also be the "host camera" this is the camera that will stay on the host for the majority of the live TV show, and in most cases does not move. The final camera we will be using will be a camera that is attached to a "gib arm", this allows the camera to move up and down as well as pan across the audience and zoom into the talent on set. Out of all the equipment, the Camera is one of the most important things there as without that there is no vision therefore there is no TV show.

Lighting Desk
- The lighting desk is there so that you can control the light and the light intensity going into the studio and also gives you the ability to chose which lights you want to use via the dimmer pack.

Vision Mixing Desk
- The vision mixing desk is needed as it gives you the ability to control as to which camera feed you want showing on the Television monitor, it is also useful as the director and the vision mixer can see all the shots being made by every camera at any given time.

Sound Desk
- The sound desk is where all volume levels are controlled, it allows you to adjust the volume of any of the talent in studio if they are being too loud or being too quiet, and with this you can prevent sound distortion when filming.

DVD Player
- This is an essential part of the show, it is used to play all the inserts that are in the show.

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